Day in the Life of an E-Designer


So… what does being an Online Interior Designer mean? If you don’t go to your client’s house what’s your work process?!

Day in the Life of an Online Interior Designer.png

I get asked these questions often, and thought I’d share what I do as an online interior designer or “e-designer.” My communication consists of phone calls, emails and FaceTime when needed. When getting into the nitty gritty of the products I chose for your home, my client portal allows for you to directly comment on specific items that you like and dislike.

Some of my day consists of scouring Pinterest for inspiration for you. Some need a little help with this because they don’t know where to start. That’s why my detailed questionnaire is so useful and handy!

I then source furniture and decor and place the items on a neat concept board so you can see exactly what your room is going to look like.

Other parts of my day consist of content creation for marketing material and doing follow up emails.
With e-design, the process is much more hands on for the client as they don’t have me there preparing a “reveal” of some sorts. However, I’m always here to answer any questions or concerns you may have.



I hope this little snippet gave you a good idea of what it’s like to be an e-designer! The design community is so lovely and I absolutely love chatting and meeting amazing people through here.

If you have a question about your place, shoot me a quick email and let’s chat! 💓

Sabina Brandonisio